Sam Aitken.
18 Years Young.
What music do you like?
The music I like is Rock n' Roll, Aka Doo Wop, British Rock n' Roll, Rockabilly. The bands and singers include Crazy Cavan, Furiouse, CorrupTED, Perry Como, Eddy Cochran, Gene Vincent, Hot Boogie Chillun and many others.
What inspires your look?
I was first inspired by the Teddy Boy look in 2010 when I went to the Roman Way with me sister as it was a Teddy Boy gig and everyone was draped up looking smart and I just fell in love with the image.
Where do you buy your clothes?
I get most of my cloths from the Rock n' Roll scene such as tailors and stalls held at rock'n'roll weekenders. Fashion-wise I wear my drape and feel proud to call myself a Ted when I go out with the lads.
Where do you like to go on nights out?
On nights out I go anywhere that is playing Rock n' Roll, local areas such as Luton or even as far as Scarborough. I've been so many gigs and enjoyed all of em and made many memories that I will cherish forever.
Sum up your look in 3 words.
To sum up my look in 3 words...ROCK AND ROLL!!!
Also what are your hobbies?
My hobbies involve going to rock'n'roll gigs and just enjoying the music.
Are you interested in Teddy Boy subculture?
I love the Teddy Boy/Rockabilly subculture, its my life.
What do you know about the Teddy Boy subculture?
I know a fair amount about the Teds background but too much to say, I could go on forever.
"My advice is to go to a gig and experience it yourself, because no matter what ya write on a piece of paper...nothing can come close to explaining the Rock n' Roll scene because it is just fantastic!!!!!" - Sam Aitken.